Drop Trade


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Anyone do this? I started trusting it and it worked with 5m.

It didn't used to bc of limits or whatever but it does now, try in small increments if you'd like.
I tryed this back in 2007. Drop traded 10m
I recommend the little isle in lumbridge by the al kharid border gates, nobody ever looks there!
I was wondering this too, your 101% sure it's back and I can drop trade 5m+ TODAY?
Ireppgold said:
I was wondering this too, your 101% sure it's back and I can drop trade 5m+ TODAY?

Is this sarcasm or no? Anyways you can drop trade now. Well i haven't actually "Drop" traded I simply just died in a remote location and waited for the gravestone to go away. It worked with 25mil.
papapopo said:
Is this sarcasm or no? Anyways you can drop trade now. Well i haven't actually "Drop" traded I simply just died in a remote location and waited for the gravestone to go away. It worked with 25mil.

No I'm dead serious? I want to drop trade 5-7mil to my main. -,-
I drop traded 530m a few days ago.

It works.
Wow, I always thought it still didn't work.

I remember doing it years ago, but I was under the impression it didn't work anymore :/
Yeh i used to do this now i just trade normally :/
I drop trade ALL the time, no matter the amount of GP you drop, it works.
To transfer wealth between accounts, whether they're both yours or you're buying/selling rsgp.
Piratz0 said:
Anyone care to explain the point in drop trading?
It's just an easy way of transferring money between accounts, specifically accounts that you own. Multilogging is obviously easier, but I know of some people who can't multilog so drop trading would be their easiest option.
The point in drop trading is an easy way to x-fer money without having to multi log, but it can be risky if you don't do it in a remote location.
My favorite spot is in Duel Arena you go into that building right in the entrance and shut the door
lol, i used to go in the sewers in edgevil/varrock
True, and last resort just flat out dead worlds
yup pretty much ahahah.
It's easy to do, I have a couple computers so I don't NEED to do it. Just find a secluded spot on a low pop world.