Drug related tag.


User is banned.
I'm here today to trade my tag 'Start Drugs'

I'm aware this is not super og or rare in any format,

Just seeing what people offer

I will post proof soon
A few things.
1) Proof is mandatory. No big deal, I've made the same mistake. Use Gyazo.com and sign into the account with xbox.com , just take a screen shot of you signed in.
2) This won't get you $1. No one really wants to pay for something they can just go out and make themselves.
3)Family guy is awesome (irrelevant much?)

I'll post proof now, and yes i'm aware this is probably worth $0.50 but I might aswel put it out there, and yes FAMILY GUY IS AWESOME!
Gamertag: Buttcrack good enough?
Action said:
Someone tell me what the hell he thinks he's talking about.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, that literally made my day