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You know kids are dumbasses when they add my only kik to a deal chat and then say I'm the fake Jamil. Then they make a new chat with some impersonator with me and the impersonator scams them both as a "trusted middleman". LMFAO X6 then as usual, expect me to pay them back for not "stopping them from getting scammed". An imposter of mine recently scammed some kid for $600 total.


Power member.
This is past the point of pathetic, I'm sorry you have to deal with all this Jamil i can understand how annoying it must be.

Even though you have NO reason to do this but for clarification, I suggest possibly making a kik that cannot be so easily copied? Again, not your problem but just an idea.


LMAO yo these kids have down syndrome, i remember someone tried beaming me for my ig and i invited you in the group with the impersonator.


Beam said:
This is past the point of pathetic, I'm sorry you have to deal with all this Jamil i can understand how annoying it must be.

Even though you have NO reason to do this but for clarification, I suggest possibly making a kik that cannot be so easily copied? Again, not your problem but just an idea.
I'll just have to buy a 2 letter with no O's or i's. Lol, my name has a L and an I so that sucks. Just need to save up.



Power member.
Your imposters are swindling people mine are borderline retarded which is why Mitch is one of my imposters. I did find that funny how they added your only kik and called you the imposter then adds a different kik and gets rekt. Maybe you should just get a Semi kik to better identify yourself.

EDIT: FFS i thought i was being smart suggesting a new kik but everyone above me did it. RIP


Towel said:
Your imposters are swindling people mine are borderline retarded which is why Mitch is one of my imposters. I did find that funny how they added your only kik and called you the imposter then adds a different kik and gets rekt. Maybe you should just get a Semi kik to better identify yourself.
I just want my name in my kik, but I'm not doing alternate caps like JAMiL so they can identify letters. :/

Satanism said:
you can always make or crack a shitty 4 number kik or some shit
I'll use the kik: WWWWWWWWWWWW or some ugly as shit just for the fun of it.