Dungeoneering & Summoning & Slayer


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What are these skills for? I've never understood them. Especially not Dungeoneering. I was in Dungeoneering the first day it was released and nobody had a clue wtf was happening, lol.
Dung is to get the ownage weapons and such...Summoning is so for pking or skilling mostly...(pak yak/terror bird/steal titan/bull aunt/ tortis and unicorn is what i mostly see while pking) i don't use summoning for skilling though so idk about that.
Summoning can help you out with skills like runecrafting, woodcutting and fishing.
Ibis can catch extra food for you, spirit graahk can teleport you close to the nature rune altar, and the beaver can chop extra logs for you.

These are just some of the things that summoning can help you with, there's lots more.
Dungeoneering is used for getting weapons that are powerful. There are other things you can get from it that is good. Summoning is used to get familiars to help you. You can get familiars to help you fight or they can store stuff for you. They have special abilities but each one varys. Slayer allows you to access monsters. Some of these monsters drop items that are expensive.
(i.e Whips once you're 85 Slayer)^
Dung is used to get the best weapons in-game. Slayer is for money. Summoning is for skills/pking.
Yes iknow, i already said that though ;P lol<3
You guys are forgetting the biggest use for summoning. PvM
not necessarily the biggest use of summoning ;P but maybe.
Sexy said:
not necessarily the biggest use of summoning ;P but maybe.

Trust me it is. I use to PvM a lot and EVERYONE uses a familiar. If I would to get a yak, It would be for PvM. You will be surprised how many people do PvM
well i don't pvm that much so you would be the expert... ;P i just pk.
I've been in all the skills first day released since slayer, slayer was the worst and then construction was really fun when it came out. Dungeoneering just bot to 80 to get a rapier its the only good use haha.
Copper said:
I've been in all the skills first day released since slayer, slayer was the worst and then construction was really fun when it came out. Dungeoneering just bot to 80 to get a rapier its the only good use haha.

No no no. Slayer was one the bests. It brought a whole new way to train without grinding on same monster. One of the worst was farming.
read guides on them if you don't understand

Dungeoneering = Epic weapons
Summoning = Epic pets, help me ALOT when doing
Slayer = $$$$