Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market + new tag)

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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]$New 3 char$[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Freshy, no consoles.[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Example: (CAPLetter CAPLetter #)[/font]
$ 65 $

                      Accepting PP/BTC/Trades lmk
If anyone needs proof on any of these tags, please hit me up wit $$$ proof.
Also MM's i prefer are @Agony, @Chill, @Agony twice cause he the homie.
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

I feel retarded I can't figure out the first tag lol..
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

Vouch for op he does indeed own this clean as fuck 3 letter tag. Suprised yiur selling this TBH
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

@dunk that is a really nce 3letter GLWS!!!
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

Ah, so you're that 3 letter that's on my friends list.

Known this tag for a while, super clean. GLWS.
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

I'm interested in the 3 letter, how much would you let it go for?
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

@Dunk boy y u sellin the 3 letter
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

Okay, thank you for all the vouches guys, i really appreciate it alot.
I'm awake and active for you to PM me offers.
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

hi dunky it's jacob hmu on aim when u get on

or kik: jtcales
RE: Dunk's petty gt shop. (nicest 3 letter on market)

Bump guys, i added a new 3 char lmk cuties.
KIK me OP @ "mr3j" seeing that I'm in the market and looking to close before or on xmas
pm me when you're on and I'll bin the 3 letter if you'll accept pp from me
Working out deal in process. Cheers!

What in the hell is your contact info @dunk ?

It's apparent someone else messaged me via KIK posing as you and then posed as Agony and tried scamming me.

I'm no scrub, and of course came here verifying that they contacted me via profiles here, which they both failed to do.


Can you tell me what their kiks are please?
smh bro you can't say you got the nicest 3 letter when it's not even a word, I probably got the only 3 letter OG in the market.
PM me the 3 character you have.
The asshole posing as @dunk was using KIK "mute"

Then the other guy posing as you @agony, was using the KIK "dealer".

I still have the chats if you want some screenshots.

These little noobs actually thought I wouldn't verify anything before sending off money. Fucking rookie ass kids.
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