There fun to talk to sometimes. I don't talk to e-girls anymore really. I text a few girls I met on instagram, facebook, etc.. that I have known for 2+ years.. but other than that I have no time for lonely weird as fuck internet girls.
Three years ago when I was 15 I e-dated a internet girl and she fucked me over. Its so pointless and a waste of time and they get attached and sometimes you do as well. Its just not worth the time and effort.
I gave out OG's to egirls this year when I was on a role claiming so many of them.
@rude has an army of e-girls. He thrives for that moment when his 2 incher gets hard when he hears the squeaky voice of his internet slave calling his name. "Conny!!! Conny Wonny!!! I'll show you my bum for a dank SEMI! because I'm a desperate whore!!".