5 Invites to bitspyder.net
bitspyder.net is one of the best elearning torrent tracker out there..It is invite based only.
Apply for invite only if you would use it.
Also seeding is very tough so apply here only if you have fast upload speeds or u have a seedbox.
Also promise to maintain a healthy ratio and never hit & run as this will lead to the invite tree being banned.
Also use the torrent client stated by the tracker as most of the updated version are blacklisted.
Just that its one of the very best.Do your research and if u feel like u need it apply here.
Please do not post email in public.
After winners are declared will ask for email via pm
will pick 5 winners via random.org
bitspyder.net is one of the best elearning torrent tracker out there..It is invite based only.
Apply for invite only if you would use it.
Also seeding is very tough so apply here only if you have fast upload speeds or u have a seedbox.
Also promise to maintain a healthy ratio and never hit & run as this will lead to the invite tree being banned.
Also use the torrent client stated by the tracker as most of the updated version are blacklisted.
Just that its one of the very best.Do your research and if u feel like u need it apply here.
Please do not post email in public.
After winners are declared will ask for email via pm
will pick 5 winners via random.org