On this Method you can earn money everyday. Just sit, relax and earn!
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Go to this site and Sign up -
Step 2: Download this Bot -
UPDATE: If the .jar does not work for you, try using this app. i converted it on a .exe file format via jar2exe wizard.
Description of Bot:
- You can choose now if the bot does Ads or WarGrid or both
- Minimized the wait time after clicking the ad a little bit
- WarCoins and $ are displayed correctly now
Today i'm releasing my new Bot, and everyone (not only AngeClub members) is allowed to use it!
I've seen many people using WarOfClicks (War Of Clicks: Revolution in Online Advertising)
What does it do?
It will click all ads (also wargrid) all day long!
.jar file is only 100kb small
Http request based (no browser required!)
Only uses about 20mb ram!!!!
Works on every OS which has the latest java installed
Integrated random breaks so you can leave it on your vps 24h/day
Step 3: run the bot and sit,relax and earn! enjoy!
PS: The bot software is a .jar file. just remove ".zip" and run it. Make sure you have installed the latest version of java before running the app.