Earn more than 50$ in 2 - 4 Days


Yes this is Legit |
This calls the Law Of Leverage (Buying a persons time)

So to Start :
Join this link

Non - Ref | Link

At your registration you will have a 1$ bonus,

So you just need to add 1$ as investment to start earn high.
Next you do after when you receive the credits on your account
you have 2$ into your accounts

This 2$ is the one you will spend to hire people to do their Jobs
This is a Unique Traffic coz its a Man-to-man Job

How to setup?
Start a Campaign :

Instructions or What is need to be done:
You know the basic like stay on the pages for 30 seconds
etc etc
but indicate
Use INCOGNITO (Chrome + Ctrl + Shift + N)

Example Proof:
Your requirements should be like this

1 - Link on the site provided
2 - Title of the Ads you have Clicked
3 - Landing Pages

(Its better to have 2 or more different ads so you can maximize what you pay for them)

This is how you setup your Rates for a starter of 2$ Initial Credit

Noticed it was set to 18 since the maximum you can hire is 18 people for a 2$ Credits.

Just wait for 2 - 4 Days till your campaign is done

I wasn't able to get a screenshot on how to accept or Deny some applications but its like this

At your Dashboard > Click My Campaigns then you will be redirected to your Campaigns
Click on your Campaigns and you will see those who tried done your Task

You will see a PROOF button and see the Proofs you have asked
If you think that the person only just making some proof by themselves
you have the Option to DENY and indicate the reason :
or to Approve and Pay

How to know if you should deny it?
1. Well Basically the Landing pages of ads, You should be familiar with that.
2. They should strictly follow the Format (somehow the proof they provide will be seen something like this)

myexamplepage.com\n\nTitle of the Ads : I CLICKED SOMA .45 blah blah blah or ADSENSE I R MAKIN MY BOSS RICH\n\nLanding Pages :

Notice the \n is there, don't be confused, its the scripts of the site problem but you can still know who really made their job.

every person who done their jobs will be paid .10$ (quite low right?)
but inreturn
check this

18 of those clicks came from that site. See how much my 1$ earned?
If you don't want to invest a 1$ or 2, you can still start a campaign, BUT first you should finished a task there. then it will be credited to your account.

Is this assured for 2 - 4 days?
Yes it is, since the instructions are really simple, so Most workers are taking these kinds of opportunities mostly.

Any Questions feel free to ask.

Thanks for reading and hope it will help you too.