Earrings on guys?

It is also very common in young generation in India, but personally i don't like this. I never imagine i have earrings in my ears.I think it's suit only on girls.
Dhoward10 said:
Well I recently started thinking if I should get my ears pieced
So is Earrings on guys? a Yes or no? If yes
1 or 2 earrings? I know most of you are from outside of usa but it's really common here

A lot of guys had their ears pierced and so far it's already accepted by a lot of people, even the conservative. Pierced ears are the most common since you can just remove the earring and the hole will be gone in a few weeks.
If i see a guy with an earring or two, would look like a badboytype of guy to me. But not in a bad way. Some girls get attracted to boys wearing earrings.
It's just my opinion from a girls perspective :)
Well it's also common here in the Philippines. I personally think it's a No no. My girl friends thinks the same as me. Majority of the girl here think so too. But well the guys seems to think they are cool. And some girls too.
I don't like guys wearing ear rings. Though piercing ear is nice and in some culture of people living in my country it is compulsion to pierce ear. Some guys look cool ear tops. But ear ring is too much as thats the ornament of girls.
here in the philippines it is also doing cause even me had one at my left ear cause it looks nice for me and had slightly long hair i want earrings that are small and shinny.
well in general body piercing here in the philippines is common too. for me it's a yes it doesn't matter if you have one,two or more and in any parts of your body.the most important thing about it is that you're comfortable with it and that you do it because you want to express yourself or you did it because of some personal reasons and not just because it is a trend. i am a girl and i want to have my nose pierced. i think it's kinda cool and good to look at as a body ornament.
I am not really wearing pierce on my ear because I can lost my job if I wear it. Wearing pierce in my ear looks ugly for me.
Well actually i have earrings and i think its cute and i think a am really a man hehehe. Some girls said that it is really nice to have a pierce on my ears and it looks sexy.
I don't know how would I look with those earrings hanging on my year. I am trying to imagine myself with one or two of them and don't find my self comfortable with them. I have seen them guys wearing them all parts of the world but a strict no, no for me. That's all.
I think it depend to the one who pierced his ear if he is good looking guy then wearing earing is cool.
I will be nice ears pierced, but in some cultures of the people in my country some people are wearing rings ear is forced into the ear piercing look at the top of the ear cool like a man who is not wearing. Ear rings, however, is a girl it's too much decoration.
Dhoward10 said:
Well I recently started thinking if I should get my ears pieced
So is Earrings on guys? a Yes or no? If yes
1 or 2 earrings? I know most of you are from outside of usa but it's really common here

hi good day, honestly, i dont believe that it is represents of any type of fad, i saw some guys here they have an earrings but i dont like boys to wear earrings just an opinion, but if you feel you're comfortable with it, then go for it.
It is very common among young adults here in my country, but I personally thinks that thing will not suits me. I have never pierced my ears, and never will!
Well for me it depends on you.some guys i saw there is earning but only one ear.but if you wear this you should know if that is allowed or no,example at the school i think its not allowed so better to remove and wear it again outside the school premises.