Easy $5 Method!! LOOK!!


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Easy money to Paypal using your iOS or android device.Simple steps:
1­ Get your smartphone.
2­ Go to the webbrowser and go to http://www.featurepoints.com
3­ Click signup in the top left corner.
4­ Confirm/accept anything that pops up (this should install an icon to your homescreen).
5­ Enter the code 4YZP3A (this will give you 50 points to start off and will help me out).
6­ Get points by downloading apps and using them for 1­2 minutes.
7­ After getting at least 3000 points (first day you can get it in less than 2 hours) go to rewardsand choose a reward. I always choose $5 Paypal funds.

Then enter and confirm your Paypalemail and it will send the payment instantly.Proof: http://prntscr.com/2ef5zj
There are many more rewards, just check ‘em out.They add new apps daily, so check the app every day. Points just for downloading and openingapps for 12 minutes. Make sure to read more info on the app if you need help.Thanks for reading and using my ref and happy earnin
Will it work with BTC? I am desperate need of BTC... I have no BTC...
No problem @Moment and @RandomJr I believe this will not work for BTC

For those that do try this method and reach 3000 points and cash in for $5 Paypal please vouch on this thread Thank You!
How long does it normally take to get 3000 points?
It takes a lot longer than 2 hours to get 3000 points, maybe a week if you're lucky and can get referrals..
@LSX Not really a week but I mean referrals will help out a lot and the worst part about it is sometimes there are no apps to download right now I just got +198 it's just luck
I'll probably try this out in my spare time later, thanks for sharing and caring man.
aMbition said:
@LSX Not really a week but I mean referrals will help out a lot and the worst part about it is sometimes there are no apps to download right now I just got +198 it's just luck

Yeah, I have a method of my own of getting referrals, it's not all that legal, but oh well, I threaten kids on Xbox to do it, lol, I've made 14 referrals and about $10 in just a hour.. But mainly referrals is were you will earn your points, sometimes you'll get lucky and have like 1-2k worth of points in apps, sometimes you'll have 100-200.
I wish some people could just get the app use my code and then delete it lol.
It takes forever to get anything with these..
No problem guys make sure to use my referral code it may take a little to get the 3000 points but once you get referrals it'll be much easier

Everyone who uses my referral code will get .10 Koins Thanks Guys!
Please ForumKorner please sign up download 5 Apps and use my referral code please Thank You!
FeaturePoints takes way too long. There was this other app that is very fast, but I can't remember the damn name. Thanks for the method, though.
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