So I was just chillin at home on FK as usual, and my dad was like cleaning up and found this huge ass container of pens from staples un-opened. So I had an idea...
Steps to making the bling-bling:
Go to (staples/dollarama somewhere with cheap office supplies)
The price of the pens was 7.99$.
There were 20 pens.
They weren't shit, but they weren't the best quality pens.
7.99$ + tax is 9$.
You go to school and sell each pen for 0.50$.
0.5 x 20 = 10$.
You just made 1 dollar.
You could also sell em for like 0.75$ and make like 5$ which is probably smarter, but the 1 dollar way is quicker to sell.
Steps to making the bling-bling:
Go to (staples/dollarama somewhere with cheap office supplies)
The price of the pens was 7.99$.
There were 20 pens.
They weren't shit, but they weren't the best quality pens.
7.99$ + tax is 9$.
You go to school and sell each pen for 0.50$.
0.5 x 20 = 10$.
You just made 1 dollar.
You could also sell em for like 0.75$ and make like 5$ which is probably smarter, but the 1 dollar way is quicker to sell.