Title : Making money with AutoDesk
Author : Flow/Crime
Pages : 2
Review By : LMCampbell
Quality : 4/5 The Quality of the written information is of high standard. He explained a series of steps each giving detailed explanations at each point..
Ease of Use : 5/5 Following it should be easy, their shouldn't be any issues at all. As detailed explanation, is given. Direct links are also given, so you shouldn't face any issues going to the right Website.
Layout and Aesthetics : 4/5 The layout is plain, which could count as a flaw if you like E-books that look good. But the actual layout is direct with numbers and bullet points for each step.
Grammer : 4/5 The Grammer is up to standard and won't create any issues when reading it. The E-book, is informal aswell.
Originality : 3/5 The E-book isn't very original as I have heard about the method before, Though it gives extra tips when during certain parts.
For me this E-book hits the spot. Easy to understand, gives much needed info and doesn't go off on a tangent going over it's main purpose. I'd advise if you want some to invest some time and get money out of it, then this is the E-book for you.
Overall Rating : 4/5