Effect of EOC on Godswords


Power member.
Once EOC comes out, the economy will probably have a lot of fluctuation. Prices will change on many things.

One thing that will most likely be effected are Godswords since they are a popular weapon and have special attacks. After the Evolution of Combat they will no longer have special attacks and all of them will have the same stats.

I am thinking that they will become more balanced in price, so the Bandos Godsword will be about the same price as the Armadyl Godsword.

Also, since Godswords are supposed to be very powerful weapons I am thinking that they will do something to make them stand out and be better than other two handed weapons or just other weapons in general.

What do you guys think will happen?
Better overall, since 2h weapons are much better in beta (Thanks to whirlwind thing). However, the sgs would have no purpose no more because of the healing spec is gone.
dreams said:
Better overall, since 2h weapons are much better in beta (Thanks to whirlwind thing). However, the sgs would have no purpose no more because of the healing spec is gone.

Exactly, so it seems all GSs will be the same and the only difference will be cosmetic. I think this is part of the reason why Jagex did that recent graphic update on them.

Conclusion: All godswords will be essentially the same price. Time to stock up on more BGSs.
EOC will be an economic antichrist. Quit while you can.
Zain said:
EOC will be an economic antichrist. Quit while you can.

lol. I quit Runescape a long time ago. Doesn't mean I can't still use it for $$$ though.

I plan on making some major profit with the EOC.
When eoc comes out I'm just gonna skill and quest. Screw combat.
Off-Topic: Did the "Runescape General Discussion" section somehow became Arbiters only? lol
Mr.Anderson said:
You really think it's worth stocking up on BGs now?

And, I'm not Arbiters!

Finally someone who isn't an Arbiter. =D

I think it is. They are so insanely cheap right now. I only see them going up in price. Even if it is only to 8m, that is a good chunk of profit per BGS. You can more than double your investment.
The thing is, if they make them really good, then the price will rocket. But I think there are too many in the game for them to make all of the godswords worth while.
I thought this already came out... when is it due?
I'm not exactly sure. They backed it up a few months.


I now have over 300 BGS's... =d

Had 520 bgs's but I sold 50 for 4m each for an easy 50m profit. If I sold all of them at that price I would of made a little over 520m profit. I'm selling them at different prices so I can pretty much guarantee profit and avoid trying to sell too many at once causing them to lower in price. So I have 270 in GE split up into 3 different selling prices. I also have 200 that I will continue to hold onto until probably a month or so after EoC is released.


Last 7 days:
Did you sell up? Bought 10, gone down 180k today, waiting till eoc comes out still though. Hopefully goes crazy then.
cybernoob said:
Did you sell up? Bought 10, gone down 180k today, waiting till eoc comes out still though. Hopefully goes crazy then.

They are back down to 3m. Great time to buy, in my opinion. :)