

Sweeter Than Ever
I was always told that smoking can give you cancer, ruin your lungs, age you quickly, ruin your teeth and if you smoke from a young age it can effect your brain/ learning.
Smoking talks have been given to people at schools, work and even been advertised on TV.
What do you personally think the effects of smoking are? and Where did you hear about smoking from?

Define "Smoking".
If you mean smoking cigarettes than yes, all the effects listed are caused by this.
Also I don't understand the question :"Where did you hear about smoking from?" the fuck?
Bananendealer said:
Define "Smoking".
If you mean smoking cigarettes than yes, all the effects listed are caused by this.
Also I don't understand the question :"Where did you hear about smoking from?" the fuck?
People always go on about where did you first hear about smoking. for some of my friends it was smoking talk in school. others it was pressure groups :L thats what i'm on about @Bananendealer
I've not lost it yet! ha ha :D
Judging by the "ruins your teeth" statement, I assume you are talking about cigarettes.

You should edit the post and make it more clear.
fixed that @Got :D. I'm sorry he he
Zoey said:
I was always told that smoking can give you cancer, ruin your lungs, age you quickly, ruin your teeth and if you smoke from a young age it can effect your brain/ learning.
Smoking talks have been given to people at schools, work and even been advertised on TV.
What do you personally think the effects of smoking are? and Where did you hear about smoking from?
Now I can shed some light on this.
The effects of smoking honestly depends on who you are, human beings are very complex. With that being said, some people, as seen in those commercials, can be exposed to 2nd hand smoke and get really sick/end up dying. Someone people can smoke a pack-a-day and be perfectly fine. Cancer, yeah, people get cancer from cigarettes. Ruin your lungs, not really, they won't be ruined, they just won't function as good as they used to. As soon as you stop smoking your lungs get healthier. (So they say.) I have heard it can ruin your teeth, but that has never happened to anyone I know who smokes cigarettes. I'm not going to talk about if it effects your brain, that is explanatory. On the thing about learning, most people who smoke are addicts, so instead of focusing on what they should be, they're craving another smoke. Everyone on my mom's side of the family smokes, except for her brother. (He's autistic.) That is what happens when you smoke when pregnant. Fuck cigarettes.
I think smoking can give you emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease, yellow nails and teeth. It all depends how frequently you smoke and what your luck is like. I know someday I'll have cancer... I'm a pack a day smoker.
smoking has an lot of positive effects like brain iq increase, populatiry increased and it even helps your lungs a bit
the only bad thing were that smoking can make your eye red like pink eye
Agree with peanut son, I've clearly been smarter than other kids in my class, graduated as the smartest kid in JR Highschool and as a freshman in HS I am smarter than anyone in school. Just don't smoke before school or you will be caught with the pink eye.