Elite Recruitment | Open

Feel free to invite me if you want. I meet all the requirements.
I'm going to be applying for this group soon, I'm on my way.
Moon Knight said:
@"FSM"  - No worries man. Let me know when.
Soon as I meet the reqs I'll be applying.
Moon Knight said:
@"nab" - All you need is the posts and threads man, then you're in.
Yeah I gotta get a lil bit more rep too.
This would be awesome for me to get into, I am sure I would be able to learn a lot from the OG's in it. I am far from requirements though.
Can't wait to apply for this
I finally hit 1,000 posts, but I also recieved a 10% warning level for a low quality post. The warning expires on the 28th this month so I will re-apply then
I am interested in joining this group, sign me up bud!
I'd like to be a part of this group, and I meet the requirements. Thanks in advance if you so choose to allow me.