Embedded Video Player


I recently saw a forum thread requesting that vBulletin included a CMS video player. Two players that were suggested are
JW Player at http://www.longtailvideo.com/players/jw-flv-player
and OpenVideoPlayer at http://openvideoplayer.sourceforge.net/

First, JW Player. Using the static html widget this is already available. (By the way, from v404 pretty much anything you can put in a static html widget you can also put into a static page if you like.)

Here's what I did
- Download the source code.
- Unzip and upload the contents. I put the files in to a folder "/jwplayer".
- Create a static HTML widget.
- Upload the attached "movies.xml" file.
- Include this as the contents. (This is of course copied from the JW website and edited to reflect the correct paths).

This text will be replaced

- Drop the widget onto your layout.
And you have a working video player. You will need to edit the movies.xml file to reflect your video files of course.

Now OpenVideoPlayer isn't distributed as a player, rather as source code for someone to use to build a player. Since I currently have no need for a video player I'm not going to take the time to build one now, but I do intend to browse around a bit, and if I find another player I like I'll post instructions for using that the same way.​
Attached Files

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