[Empire] Gamertag - Repairing. [Empire]

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aka Freedom

In light of the recent activity jump in this section mostly due to the new group 'The Empire', I thought I'd put my money in the pot as well and do something of my own. The item in question that will be given away to that special someone today is 'Repairing'. Random.org does not involve this one in the way that you think, so don't worry about that.

What is required from you is an application, then what I will do is use random.org to pick the winner. That winner will win as long as the application he filled out was something that I liked personally. You basically have two options here: One being a high quality type response, two being something creative or funny. Both would have to get me out of all of the others of course, so keep that in mind.


A total of at least 200 posts.
In the positive rep.
Member for at least 2 months.


Real Name Here:
How do you feel you've impacted the site most?
Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering?

Have at it; to be closed when I feel enough of the above have rolled in.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here: Jonathan

Profile Link: http://www.forumkorner.org/member.php?action=profile&uid=9962

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering?: I think I deserve this gamertag because I think it's pretty unique and really like it. I would use this for my main account and not go off selling it.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here: Andy

Profile Link:http://www.forumkorner.org/member.php?action=profile&uid=20775

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering?
Well, I'm very active and I have never won a Gamertag. I think I deserve it because I play Xbox all the time and most likely use it more than anyone else.
Thank you.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Just leaving this here, *whistling*.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here: Jason

Profile Link: http://www.forumkorner.org/user-19401.html

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering? I think this Gamertag should belong to me because my other tag got banned due to F. :/ Also because I rarely win giveaways on this site. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here: Mike

Profile Link: http://www.forumkorner.org/member.php?action=profile&uid=14580

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering? I've done my share to help the site out. I've helped many members such as giving then items such as tutorials and free items which they are in need of. I may not be the most "active" member on the site, but I do my share to help the site. Also, I could use a new account to make my main.

Thanks for the giveaway.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here: Cody

Profile Link: http://www.forumkorner.org/member.php?action=profile&uid=20817

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering? I'm a cool guy as you might know. I've done quite a fair amount of giveaways myself and we're good friends. You helped me get started on FK and I wuv you.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here:Blake Dalegend

Profile Link: http://www.forumkorner.org/user-21259.html

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering? His gamertag just got banned and he has been very sad and he hasn't been very happy the past couple days.
(This is not for me it is for him)
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Welp, I guess the whole "creative/funny" idea is knocked out because I told you that doing that was allowed, kind of breaking the surprise barrier if you know what I'm saying.

I'm eyeing a few in this already, keep on going folks. Again, to be closed when I've seen enough.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here: RJ (Robert)

Profile Link: http://www.forumkorner.org/user-20721.html

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering? Idk I haven't been into selling or buying tags ever since my favorite tag got banned due to F. Now I'm left with no OG tag but idk I'm not gonna make a big deal about that, but now I've been looking for accounts but the market is high and no one wants to sell. I really like this account and would use it as a main, I wouldnt consider selling it if I win.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Nice giveaway you're doing here bud

winner will be satisfied
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here: Vincent Wynhoff

Profile Link: http://www.forumkorner.org/user-16834.html

How do you feel you've impacted the site most? I have been here for a few months, i have done a few giveaways, and i have put in alot of money purchasing upgrades, koins, etc.

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering? Well i have been through alot of shit irl personally and i know that a gamertag wont solve my irl problems but it will sure be one good thing that has happened to me in awhile. Not only that but the og i have right now isnt even that good :/
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Is the [Non-Empire Official Giveaway] Suffix necessary? :3
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Real Name Here: Richy

Profile Link: http://www.forumkorner.org/member.php?action=profile&uid=7859

Why do you think this Gamertag should belong to you out of everyone else entering ?: Because my main got banned & i currently have no tag atm to use & if i got this tag i'd be very thankful & play games with the members of FK seeing as i have Halo 3, Halo 4, Far Cry 3, Black Ops 2 & BF3.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Everyone here who put their full name is getting "DoXed".

You better edit your posts before I'm done copying them all down into a notepad .txt.

Only joking. That doesn't even do anything to begin with and just makes you look childish threatening people with claims and the actual act.

Kyle, I don't think it's necessary, but don't have a plan on taking it out.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Lol if this is serious, I think it's very generous of you to give out a gt that you bought. Didn't you pay $30 for this??
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Intelligent said:
Lol if this is serious, I think it's very generous of you to give out a gt that you bought. Didn't you pay $30 for this??

I think it was $30 or $40, don't remember that well. Of course I did try re-selling with not that many showing interest. It's nothing though, I don't have a problem doing this.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

Name: Datevion Taylor
Profile: http://www.ForumKorner.org/user-20892.html
I think I should be the one to get this because I have been console banned 8 times already. I'm getting my 9TH one soon. So I need a good semi og to start me off again. All my tags have been banned. If I got this it would enlighten me to try harder and get back into the og business.
RE: Gamertag - Repairing. [Non-Empire Official Giveaway]

I'm sorry, really should have added the additional requirements to the original post.

At least 200 posts, in the positive rep and member for at least 2 months.
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