I don't know how many LoL players we have here, but I thought I'd share the most epic game I've played so far.
First off, I am not that good and have only been playing for about a week and a half. I am pretty good Teemo, and I can use Master Yi pretty well. I am alright with Jax and plan on learning Nidalee or Lux next.
Summoner Level: 22
Our team was feeding pretty bad, but Yi (A buddy of mine) and I were raping top lane and were able to push it pretty well.
They kept pushing mid, so we helped gank and push a bit.
After a while of back and forth killing each other, the finally took 4 of us out and made a strong push on us.
They destroyed all 3 of our inhibitor turrets, and destroyed 2 of the inhibitors.
After defending for a bit against the massive horde of super minions/minions, they killed Baron and pushed on us again destroying our last inhibitor.
Feeling fucked, we all stuck to mid and defended it for a bit which lead to us killing 4 of them.
We pushed their inhibitor turrets taking out 2 of them, they made us pull off, killing 3 of us. So we ran back and decided to defend and wait for our teammates to spawn. They tried to push again, but were forced to pull off because we killed 2 of them, lol...
With 2 of them down and our team full spawned/healed, we pushed their last inhibitor turret while killing 2 more of them. We struck while they were weak and destroyed all of their inhibitors before pulling off.
2 of our teammates decided it would be smart to jungle while weak and got ganked. After that, they killed the Baron AGAIN, and pushed AGAIN. We killed 3 of them and went full out.
We hit their Nexus turrets in 10 seconds flat and raping their Nexus even faster.
I am telling you, it was an insane comeback and I can't even believe it happened, lol. Was the most intense game I have ever played.
tl;dr - They had us fucked, so we though. Had all of our turrets/inhibitors down, killed Baron twice, yet we came back and won.
Any insane games like this that you have played?