Every 50th Poster Gets $5 Amazon UNTIL DEC 1st!!!!! [Official Contest Thread]

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Mal said:
Nothing much actually , just reading i guess from time to time. Preferbably books about science and math and stuff
Not the answer I was expecting to be completely honest.

At least you're not out there ripping cones and shootin' up.
so close, illl give it the bumperoni.
I'm going to post, this will be my last bump so I can try to win
goodluck everybody getting very close!!! GL
#150!? Let's go baby, I would like to thank ASAP Rocky, and my lord and savior, GOD.​
This is awesome like!

Congratez on winning @Cupcake
good luck with 200 @chill x i am routing for you x
Keep this moving, don't understand why this is so dead.
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