Evey 50th Post wins the Pussy Award.

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I wonder who is going to win it this time.
Cummins said:
I am a girl actually lol. And no, I'm not going to prove it by getting a picture of me saying "Living " next to my vagina.

"No one will ever believe your a girl but me ily bby you don't need proof!"

That would be the line of a suck up but since I'm not one

I don't believe your a girl but If you are that's cool.
cummins, if i had a pussy i would def take a pic with the name Living next to it.
-Just Saying
SuΡra said:
cummins, if i had a pussy i would def take a pic with the name Living next to it.
-Just Saying

Haha, yes living does deserve a pussy picture, but...I can't. Im sowie.
Snape said:
Yeeaaah boi thanks Living! Officially a pussy.

My b dude congrats on winning you had to be quite the pussy
Ace I swear we are on the same fucking post every time I look. last 2 digits I mean.
Opinions on my signature?
630 Made it.
Beacuse we're long lost twins lowkey
Ace said:
Beacuse we're long lost twins lowkey

That's what I figured.
Livings Sig deserves a 9/10 630s pieces are like picasso shit.
See I knew it was something man

But everyone guess what?

Cummins said:

Hold this shit the fuck up can I get one?

and them make one for no one else it's because we're twins
Ace said:
See I knew it was something man

But everyone guess what?

Hold this shit the fuck up can I get one?

and them make one for no one else it's because we're twins

Sowie, only my living.
Cummins definitely deserves the award, Ill just take it from Ace and Give you it.

And What Ace?

ANd the switch has been made, Ace lost the award.
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