I came to the realization a long time ago that there are no true Christians. They dont do what the bible tells them, they pick and choose what they want to believe in, and they label themselves Christians. The stupidity in it all frustrates me so much, its tempting to pinpoint your anger at a single group full of so many ignorant people, but I hold myself back as best I can. Seriously, how did we as a species evolve to be so fucking stupid? Ill never understand.
I have more respect for the Westboro Baptist church because they at least are what they claim to be. They are so hated, yet they are what their religion tells them to be. Of course, they dont kill people who work on the Sabbath, but they are the closest thing to Christians that I know of.
Final thought, Extremism and Religion are one in the same.
Edit: Did this video spark the thread? Its right up its alley: