EyeEm "HTML5" Giveaway!

Jason Segel

User is banned.
Hey guys, This is Flo Here starting my first giveaway. I am giving away the tag HTML5. First 10 users are entered. The reason I want to do this giveaway is so I can become known on this forum for having the most EyeEm's. Good Luck and Post below if you want to join the contest!
Check out my shop too! http://www.forumkorner.org/thread-64562.html
Once all 5 spots are filled I will use random.org to generate a number between 1 and 5

Proof = Yes, My name is Lyndon http://gyazo.com/73d52394670953a0b5635a5f7141d4e5

The winner is http://gyazo.com/87f0f81a3715e7c2794ff09eb3624493

I will PM you now!
Thanks for everyone participating!

1. BBB
2. Carnage
3. Crate
4. Kyle
5. BOO -- First to enter
Don't want to be entered into this as I have @Krept
But goodluck to all the members that enter.
Holy fuck. Me, being a Web developer would fucking love this. I'll take #7.
BUMP! I need TWO more people to enter!
Number 1 please. Hope i win this
Shepard said:
This is the ugly as hell who would enter this giveaway.

Well, what tags do you have that are so great?
My store has over 200 tags. Argument invalid.
Well I'm happy with mine
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