f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [2B+] Server Flooded Out


Onyx user!
Well lets just say I hacked a rsps on toplist on runelocus, rank 15 or below. Not telling which one. I directed it to my keylogger with 30 minute intervals and my severs getting flooded with like 2K logs per day now. Tons of fucking accounts to much shit to go though. Was thinking about putting it on an IRC or HTTP Panel or something idk. Any ideas?
Don't know what the fuck to do. I removed the link so I don't get anymore victims. To many for me to handle.

Pic Related, its loading all log names. Notice scroll bar LOL. - This was in like 12 hours.

RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

i did the same thing 1nce

put it on an irc so u dont lose it
botkill all of them just incase someone else has them already

i was an idiot at the time and defaced the page instead of uploading a driveby, had 181 active players
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

This has like 1K+ lol, I would love to sell this if anyone is interested and I would not go first.
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

Zetryio said:
This has like 1K+ lol, I would love to sell this if anyone is interested and I would not go first.

You should dump some of the logs. It would help the community and you can always sell the rest.

RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

If I released the logs it would show what site I have. Also i hired some kids to scrape logs with me and we made 250m easily.

If anyone wants to buy logs and all this shit pm me or post here.
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

Dumping the logs for a private server would reveal which server it was lol. and he dosent want to do that silly bear

seems im a bit late lol
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

I don't have time to go through this shit. Just want one fixed payment and its all yours. I'm not asking for a lot. Just need this shit gone.
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

Zetryio said:
I don't have time to go through this shit. Just want one fixed payment and its all yours. I'm not asking for a lot. Just need this shit gone.

Calm down biggin, not many people would buy private server logs.
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

Most of these kids play RS. Also I had to put Keylogger Pro on hold because of all this shit.
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

Zetryio said:
I don't have time to go through this shit. Just want one fixed payment and its all yours. I'm not asking for a lot. Just need this shit gone.
sounds like bullshit, why would u sell logs when u could easily make bank from it
even if it's time consuming, u'd do it
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

iolaka said:
sounds like bullshit, why would u sell logs when u could easily make bank from it
even if it's time consuming, u'd do it

I really don't have time. I did do more of it today though.
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

I know the vulnerability your talking about.
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

Sounding like a noob right now but wouldn't hacking a RuneScape Private Server(RSPS) meaning getting worthless RSPS accounts?
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

Generally people who play RSPS's use the same login dets for their actual RS account and have played RS in the past. He keylogged them so he can check if they also log into official RS. :)
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

You could've just bought the slaves... Or these could have been slaves you have been saving up...

Horrible proof.
RE: f*ck 500+ RS Victims in 12 hours [1B+] Server Flooded Out

Soi said:
You could've just bought the slaves... Or these could have been slaves you have been saving up...

Horrible proof.

Or he could of done what he had claimed too considering Keylogger Pro and his hackings of other people :p