Well lets just say I hacked a rsps on toplist on runelocus, rank 15 or below. Not telling which one. I directed it to my keylogger with 30 minute intervals and my severs getting flooded with like 2K logs per day now. Tons of fucking accounts to much shit to go though. Was thinking about putting it on an IRC or HTTP Panel or something idk. Any ideas?
Don't know what the fuck to do. I removed the link so I don't get anymore victims. To many for me to handle.
Pic Related, its loading all log names. Notice scroll bar LOL. - This was in like 12 hours.
Don't know what the fuck to do. I removed the link so I don't get anymore victims. To many for me to handle.
Pic Related, its loading all log names. Notice scroll bar LOL. - This was in like 12 hours.