Fallout 4


Power member.
Anyone have an extra digital copy for Xbox One that they'd like to grant to me? I used all my wishes for this week
coltie2 said:
I would if I could my man, I was almost wasn't able to get it my self.

Ah, it's all good. Kinda throwing it out there just in case I get lucky enough.
If you get it, feel free to add me. Wouldn't mind some company while playing.
Plague said:
If you get it, feel free to add me. Wouldn't mind some company while playing.

No problem, I'll be sure to do so.
I can get it to you for $30, let me know.
cas said:
@taunt @genie hooooook it up!!!!!!!!!I got you nigggassssss

Wha? If you're interested just hit me up.
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