Fastest way 14-30 farming?

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Would the fastest be just planting the best I could?

I'm only 53 thieving, so I don't think the "Garden" minigame would be optional for me.
You can do the Autumn Garden in Sorceress Garden. It's about 5k Farming xp per hour, if not more. I recommend it!
Just plant the highest you can and remember to use supercompost
I heard you don't need 30 farming for the enlightened quest =)
Automatic Coding said:
I heard you don't need 30 farming for the enlightened quest =)

This isn't true.
I just finished the Journey quest today and he wouldnt let me start the quest without the farming level.
Sorceress Garden would be your best bet.
It got me 1 - 30 farming in about 4 hours while netting me 700k.

And to the OP. i also was 53 thieveing, but im 56 now and the autmn garden is very profitable, but nothing compared to the summer garden.

My two cents

Is there a bot that does the autmn garden? ^_^
But it involves going to another site and ive already been banned for advertising -_-
Ill Pm it to you.
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