you would understand if you've gone fast before. to understand, one truly must know how to gtgfastfastgtggtggtggtggtfasttttttttgtg, its obvious you guys don't know how. noobs. @SenpaiChill said:What the fuck is this supposed to be about?
yddaD said:you would understand if you've gone fast before. to understand, one truly must know how to gtgfastfastgtggtggtggtggtfasttttttttgtg, its obvious you guys don't know how. noobs. @Senpai
Senpai said:You got to go fast as in Sonic fast?
yddaD said:YES YES INDEED @Early @wall HE KNOWS
Senpai said:Yeah, I knew it all along, Sonic is my boy.
the time when what...? was there a time you went fast?Random said:hey remember op that time when ?
hey friend shh no tears,only dreams nowyddaD said:the time when what...? was there a time you went fast?