Favorite Cereal?


Power member.
Well, I'm eating some Cocoa Pebbles, and they're pretty fucking good. What's your favorite cereal?

Lucky Charms = Thuglife

I love Cocoa Pebbles, Cheerios, and Life.
recess puff recess puffs peanut butter chocolate flavor!

damn auto correct! resses*
I go with Frosted Flakes.

Cuz you know...

They're g-r-r-r-r-reat!
Lucky Charms is still the best Cereal.
UPDATE: It's funny how when i decide to get a bowl of cereal, someone bumps this thread . Crunching on some Fruit Loops, and these shits are arguably the best as of now.
I would have to say honey comb, Fucking delicious.
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