Call of Duty Favorite cod


Onyx user!
Now that ghosts has been out a while and you can judge, what is your favorite cod out of all of them?
I would say Call of Duty 4, but that answer is sort of a cop-out. World at War was definitely my favorite game in the series.
Black ops 1 for me, but if mw2 did not have grenade launchers I think that would be a strong choice.
My favorite call of duty game is Black ops 2. The reason why is because I didn't seemed to rage as much.
My favorite Call of Duty would have to be Call of Duty Black Ops 2 because it implemented competitive rules and game modes. League Play was my all-time favorite in that game.
Call of duty 4. Hands down. Co Ghosts has adopted (imo) parts of the BO1/2 engines - May as well have called it Call of Duty BO3
World at War was one of my favorite games of all time. Online play was simply piff.
Either world at war or modern warfare 2, can't decide.
COD 4 was the GOAT. It revolutionized first person shooters and no other COD has managed what it has. The maps were laid out well and each allowed for good gameplay. Since then each COD has felt like same shit, different game.
MW2 for sure! Great campaign, fantastic maps and just good all round game to play
For me its Call of Duty 3, that game was the shit. World at War was also pretty cool I liked the whole Cooperative Campaign thing they had going.
my favorite cod is probably bo2 but then again it had a lot of lag
Probably Black Ops 2 because of the focus on competitive gameplay.
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