Call of Duty Favourite CoD Game?


Was bored and wanted to make a thread.
But yeah what's your guys favourite?
Basic said:
I do like the options in ghosts but I just can't stand playing it.
I enjoy ghosts too, i reckon it's well crafted but it gets boring and a little repetitive.
Hands down, my favorite Call of Duty has to be Black Ops 2 or MW2. Can't choose between the two. :p
I love Modern Warfare and World at War.
Out of the two, I'd have to go with World at War though, it was the first Call of Duty that I got 10th prestige legitimately in and the only one which I've gotten it legitimately in.
Definitely black ops 1 doesn't get enough credit for the most important ideas it brought into cod. Theatre, money for leveling up, buying whatever, good zombies. To much to explain the memories. All games after were utter trash.. Ps xbox is gay nowadays
Most favorite is Black Ops 1. Coincidentally, my least favorite is Black Ops 2..
MW2 for sure! Love it, always will. Got rid of my x1.. Re bought a 360 just to play some good ole headquarters and use the intervention
I liked BO2 for competitive. I thought they put a really good effort into it.
CoD4 100%. I wish a video game could give me the memories that game has embedded in my mind again.
My favorite is Black Ops 1, I like all of the Treayarch games over the IW ones.
Mine would have to be COD 1.1. The very first cod to be released and have been playing since it came out. Just a perfect game to play in the cod series.
I'd have to say BO1 or BO2. I still play them to this day :)
Mw2 will always be my favorite.
Had such a great history on it
From SLB to GB to Trickshotting <3
I couldn't choose between either CoD4 or WAW. Even though theyre corrupt now, back when they were the best games when they were new. They were so much fun and for the new cods they should just refer back to those games.