Miles said:For a minute I thought those youtube usernames were random characters.
I like devinsupertramp, dude perfect, and some other random guys
Michael said:Haha, it looks like it doesn't it? :')
KSIOlajidebt: Plays FIFA and gets pissed off easily
BFvsGF: Sick vloggers who are currently in Australia.
Miles said:It does look like random characters. And I know of KSI, I've seen him before. Love his omegle videos, haha.
+ gotta add Jenna marbles to the list @Jax
Skunk said:Dude Perfect, Brodie Smith, Keemstar (fight me about it), and Jimmy Tatro.
Rainy said:Yoteslaya was the best. May he rest in peace.
Glitch said:Vsauce and any good SFM producer are god-tier IMO
Jax said:Don't call me gay but I like lohanthony. And any hot girl like Jenna marbles, acacia brinley
Acacia Clark, Jenna Marbles, both are hotterEarl said:I love iJustine, she's just so hot xD
Explode said:Mr Technical Difficult, MagicOfRahat <-- Some entertaining omegle videos , OwnagePranks, iiJERiiCHOii.
Acacia Clark, Jenna Marbles, both are hotter