Females need to stop this


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Dear fat females.

Please stop false advertising by referring to yourself as "thick" or "average". If you don't want to be called fat and treated like the grotesque beasts you are, then simply go to the gym and lose some weight. No, photoshopping does not count.

I beg all men to spread the word. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for the children.

I understand what you mean, but you're also objectifying women by saying that, which makes me disagree.
Bit said:
They are objectifying themselves. Don't shoot the messenger.

How are they objectifying themselves? Please enlighten me.
You're a perfect example of why many young girls are so self conscious about how they look, because men and the media objectify them. Treated like inanimate beings, just to be pleasing for us to look at.
They're humans too for fuck sake.

Just please stop and take a look at our dating scene. Maybe it's different where you're at, but where I come from 99% of females are guilty of it.
Bit said:
Just please stop and take a look at our dating scene. Maybe it's different where you're at, but where I come from 99% of females are guilty of it.

I'm gonna assume you're American?
Bit said:
You have me confused for someone else. I'm 23. You're* not being very mature, or intelligent for that matter, please leave my thread, kid.
Kid your so mad you can't even read the rules. Geez
Devour said:
Kid your so mad you can't even read the rules. Geez

Stop projecting. You're so ignorant you don't even know the difference between your and you're. Lil kid tryna act like he's ballin and shit. Nigga only game you bout is minecraft. #GetThatActRight
This was pretty heated for spamming and trolling