@Fender aka Simon the scammer scammed @Eos
I witnessed it and can vouch for anything. If proof is need @Eos could put it but take my word for it. If you don't that it your loss. And I can confirm @Fend is Simon through kik messages. His kik is si.n
Also I realize he's banned but just saying cuz he's on a new kik or aim constantly
Just letting u guys know he tried to be some1 else and stuff for the newer people who don't know about Simon
I witnessed it and can vouch for anything. If proof is need @Eos could put it but take my word for it. If you don't that it your loss. And I can confirm @Fend is Simon through kik messages. His kik is si.n
Also I realize he's banned but just saying cuz he's on a new kik or aim constantly
Just letting u guys know he tried to be some1 else and stuff for the newer people who don't know about Simon