if i was a game developer i would skip 2-3 years in making a huge game within this gap rather than making another game with little bit more customisations etc. but hey this is my opinion don't thumb me down though.
Well, all team sports games have a problem with making the player animation realistic. It always seems to me like the models are hollow inside and have hardly any weight.
I have. I'm a second generation Mexican american - I've grown up in two cultures, been to Mexico countless times, spent a month in Germany, been to Australia, summer in Spain. I'm the first person in my entire extended family to have graduated from college; having grown up in a family of six that survived on $800 a month and now sit comfortably in the middle class. My family wouldn't be where it is now if not for the united states.You expect us to collapse at your argument when all you are is condescending and ignorant, expecting us to be either geniuses or fools, and assuming us to be the latter; no middle ground.Being born and raised here may make me seem partial and biased to those who are already partial and biased, but as a member of the race that it's the newest fad to discriminate against, I understand the blind ignorance of this nation like few others can. All it does is give me a perspective that foreigners like you don't seem to want to acknowledge about Americans; that we're regular people, and its unfair to call us stupid because you judge the many on the actions of the few.I don't assume all white people are racist because I've met a few who are.The same, you shouldn't assume all Americans are stupid because you've met quite a few who are.Here's an example, I'm not going to allow your ignorance of Americans ruin my opinion of Englishmen, or British people as a whole. You're one out of 60 million and judging 60 million people based on one person, or even two or ten or twenty, is unfair to the other 59,999,980 people.
FIFA 11 is a great improvement on the previous editions, but PRO-EVO players will know that this "360 degrees" style of playing has always existed in Pro-Evo. EA sports finally realised that the traditional FIFA 05-09 style of zig zag movement sucked. So it's not a new thing, but FIFA wants to make it look like it is. And if they'd spent less time trying to make the perfect demo, they would have improved on they're game play before now.