finally got banned for botting.

Probably rsbuddy user, Yeah?
Tough break my dude! It hapens tho.
HAHAAH i botted 70-99 fishing without logging than the next day i get banned for account hacking
gavin101 said:
Never used breaks, never will. I feel it all depends on how lucky you are, not if you do it smartly with breaks. I've been botting for a few years and this is my 1st account to be banned for botting.

The breaks system is horrible. You will be in the middle for instance, of a dungeon while doing dung. Your character is in the middle of a fight, then breaks activates. Boom, you logout.

I have yet to be banned for botting .
Ah well, botted money easy come easy go. Why not make a fail safe account and store all gold on it?
Sucks :/ Wonder why Jagex never banned me before for botting, I botted alot lol.
Was this perma ban? And Damn that blows, I have one more on my main before perma. :</3
Damn man, I would hate if that happened to me. I hope you don't quit just because of that. If you need any professional authorizations; hit me up.
Mining has a high ban rate, unless at LRC which is a bit better.
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