Finding old things


Onyx user!
Have you ever found old things anywhere and memories came back? Went through my old picture folders and gyazo pictures and found my old fake One Direction death facebook page that had 30k likes years ago and my old 2.3million page. and allllll screenshots of my old tags. stuffs crazy. That ever happen to anyone?
I went through my gyazo history and yeah lol I had a shit ton that brought back SO many memories. Im going to go on my old computer and see whats on it.
Well other than Gyazos, I remember finding so much shit in real life when I moved. I'd find money stashed away and tons of other junk that were quite memorable.
I find alot of old memories listening to old songs.
I usually find a bunch of old things that bring back memories when I go through files on my laptop or when I clean my room..
I sometimes after a weeks go thru my iPhone's screenshots of random things i screenshot and go thru the weeks/months ago and what i was thinking that day etc.
Speaking of old things, yet again, I just found $35 in a little pocket behind my dresser.
Astronaut said:
Speaking of old things, yet again, I just found $35 in a little pocket behind my dresser.

I love finding money in random places especially when I know that its been there for more than a month!
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