Fire cape or 4 defense and one range level?

Should I go for fire cape? Or train 4 defense levels and 1 range level?


    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • Train 4 defense level and 1 range level

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Onyx user!
Well, I plan on getting, or trying to get a fire cape soon. I will be ranging to get it. MY stats are 70 prayer, 79 range, 76 defense. My question is should I spend the few extra days to get 4 defense levels and 1 range level, or just go for fire cape? I know the levels can't hurt, but is it really worth training first with the stats I have now. So If you guys could help with your opinions, I appreciate it.

Thanks for reading...
Go for it, if you don't get it go train and come back. Goodluck :)
You should do it now. A few more levels would help but not by much.
Assassin said:
Get 80 range And 78 so that you can use Morrigan's Equipment

Please don't give advice if you don't know what you're talking about.
Morrigins for jad? Useless? I think so!
Yea Its Usless But If You Are Gonna Pk Later You Can Do Jad Whit A 1def Pure Easy Asslong as you have prayer pots and switch quick whats ur constitution level?
Assassin said:
Yea Its Usless But If You Are Gonna Pk Later You Can Do Jad Whit A 1def Pure Easy Asslong as you have prayer pots and switch quick whats ur constitution level?

Recommended equipment
Full slayer helmet (only if the player's Slayer task is Tzhaar) / Verac's helm / Blessed dragonhide coif / Helm of Neitiznot / Proselyte sallet / Armadyl helmet

amulet of fury / God stole / Holy symbol / Unholy symbol / Amulet of glory / Amulet of ranging / Salve Amulet (e)

Armadyl chestplate / Karil's leathertop / Black d'hide body
Bandos tassets / Verac's plateskirt / Armadyl chainskirt / Proselyte tasset / Proselyte cuisse / Karil's leatherskirt / Black d'hide chaps

Chaotic crossbow / Rune crossbow / Karil's crossbow / Crystal bow / Hand cannon (WARNING: The cannon may explode)

Dragonfire shield / Blessed spirit shield / Obsidian shield / Granite shield / Elysian spirit shield / Falador shield 3 or 4 / Faithful shield / God book / Broodoo shield

Ava's accumulator or alerter / If not using Rune crossbow: Fire cape / Trimmed Skillcape / Soul Wars cape / Ardougne cloak 3 or 4

1000-2000 Adamant bolts / Runite bolts / Broad-tipped bolts / Bolt racks (if using Karil's crossbow); Hand cannon shots / 250 Diamond bolts (e) for TzTok-Jad

Regen bracelet / Barrows gloves / Black d'hide vambraces / Other Metal gloves obtained from Recipe for Disaster / Combat bracelet

Ranger boots / Snakeskin boots / Dragon boots / Bandos boots / Rock climbing boots
Archer's ring (i) / Explorer's ring / Onyx ring (i) / Archer ring

Recommended inventory
1 Ranging potion (4)
6-10 Saradomin brews (4)
Fill rest of slots with Super restore potions (4)
Purple sweets (stackable food, heals 10-30 LP)
Enhanced Excalibur also helps a lot
250 Diamond bolts (when ranging TzTok-Jad)

You Will Need A minimum 7k purple sweets
Once I Died At Wave 59 from Magic while using deflect magic... 79 prayer left and he hit me 400