Well. I've been playing for a good 4 years now.
When I look back then, I had soo much fun!
I remember me getting lured for my bank (approx. 20k), me trying to deposit 500 gold with clicking (Didn't realise there was a deposit all) and me training for levels.
It's amazing that I had so much fun. Now runescape is getting boring for me.
Anyways, ITT: Post your first runescape experience/memory.
When I look back then, I had soo much fun!
I remember me getting lured for my bank (approx. 20k), me trying to deposit 500 gold with clicking (Didn't realise there was a deposit all) and me training for levels.
It's amazing that I had so much fun. Now runescape is getting boring for me.
Anyways, ITT: Post your first runescape experience/memory.