FK World Record!

He probably just joined for the hell of it. That's what I did.
Oh my god, that is like so long :O I just joined from an award from another forum :p
Cann!bal said:
i hav not herd of this sarcasm. pls elborate.

Sarcazm is basically being sarcazztic got me? Gd
Fade said:
Did you notice the 'lol srsly' it's called sarcasm. If you've ever heard of it.

It is most commonly used as a question after a statement like yours. As in " lol Seriously?" after a smartass remark.

Apologies bud.
Chill said:
It is most commonly used as a question after a statement like yours. As in " lol Seriously?" after a smartass remark.

Apologies bud.

It's okay smelly.

Fade said:
Did you notice the 'lol srsly' it's called sarcasm. If you've ever heard of it.

We don't fuck around 'round here.
Color said:
We don't fuck around 'round here.

Yh yolo his name is color for a reason