Flexible budget & $1,100 worth of trades for a GT


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Looking to buy a nice Tag. [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]PM/KIK me what you have if its private. I'm a very serious buyer.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I have a budget of around $360 BTC, more if the tag is amazing & some decent stuff to trade worth around $1,100~that includes 2 tags and 2 emails.[/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I'd prefer to use a staff MM and split the fees. If the fees aren't too much, I'll take care of it.[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Proof of my budget [/font]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]http://imgur.com/a/TtwH2[/font]
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

I'm sending you a private message now, as I don't want my shit public.
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

I have the kik apartment and loads of emails. PM me for the emails.
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

Let me know if you want to buy some hotmails thanks.
I also have 2 semi og GT's for sale if that interests you
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

im selling the kik Passives


Djg, Fmj, Ilk, Wtv, Sav
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

I have a sorta-kinda-semi GT


and a decent Kik. PM if interested.
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

Im selling the kik ACT pm me if you are interested
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

selling the Kik .o4 real cheap
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

Rogue said:
I have a sorta-kinda-semi GT


and a decent Kik. PM if interested.
Well, what is the KIK? 

Also I don't want another tag unless it's a sick one or one that I REALLY like.

Unseat said:
selling the Kik .o4 real cheap

No thank you. Thanks for the offer though.

compatible said:
Im selling the kik ACT pm me if you are interested
I have sent you a PM. Please respond to it whenever you can.
RE: Buying KIK/GT/Email.

GMail ;:-=~ Splatter maybe? Maybe not
RE: Buying KIK/GT

Space said:
GMail ;:-=~ Splatter maybe? Maybe not

How much? I may be interested but I might end up using one of my old emails that is pretty sick imo
RE: Buying KIK/GT

Got a few kiks and some sick GTs. Pm or kik me!
RE: Buying KIK/GT

Hit my PM's fam, have some kiks you might be interested in.
RE: Buying KIK/GT

OK I'm selling the kik bowl hmu on it or via pm
RE: Buying KIK/GT - $700 Budget + 3 Decent Tags to Trade

Does no one seriously have a sick tag/KIK to sell/trade?
RE: Buying KIK/GT - $700 Budget + 3 Decent Tags to Trade

I'm still looking for something.

Hit me up
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