Flexible budget & $1,100 worth of trades for a GT

RE: Buying GT ($850 budget) + Stuff to trade($700)

Monster said:
has some dunno if you've tried GTs suck IMO PSNs are no better since they get pulled just as easily
Yeah I PMed him but he doesn't any any tags that are better than my two, let alone final worthy
RE: Buying GT ($850 budget) + Stuff to trade($700)

Find him a nice tag already. Didn't know you have to look this long to find a sick one. Plus he has the money! Good luck man
RE: Buying GT ($850 budget) + Stuff to trade($700)

Thanks bro

Still looking for a tag so I'm bumping this thread before I go to sleep
RE: Buying GT ($850 budget) + Stuff to trade($700)

Bumping this thread again before I go to sleep
RE: $360 BTC, maybe more & $1,100 worth of trades for a GT

Posting once again in this thread just to see what is out there.

I have around $360 BTC that I'm looking to get rid of + $1.1k in trades. I can obviously add more money if the tag is something I REALLY like it or if it's an amazing tag.
Still seeing what is out there. Hit me up if you have anything or know if anyone who does please, thanks.
Someone sell dis nigga an OG he got so much cash to spend! $$$$$$$$$$
I'm still looking for a tag.

I have $315 BTC so if I need more, I will have to buy some from Coinbase which will take about a week.
Come on guys help @bomb find his final tag
I'm still looking so get in contact with me please

Bumping this again to see if anything is out there.
bump for yung pineapple bomb, help yung nigglett find himself a tag
must be nice to have money man but gl with everything
I'm still looking for a tag.

I'm about to just go use my gamertag budget money and buy some new rims and tires for my car
Bumping this to see if there is anything crazy good on the market even though I'm buying a tag in about a week
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