Forum Korner this is for u


New Member
Lets get a few things out the way. I'm going to troll you, your jimmies will be rustled. I will probably be banned in a week.....

Now that we've cleared that up lets move onto the next issue. Reputation, personally i dont give 2 fucks about it. Hell i care even less about this forum. I fully accept any invitations to try n troll me. Some of my other sythe brethren actually want to make this their new forum home. how do you say, come at me bro?
OP def needs to get fucked #virgy #getumboys #hes13 and 3/4 years old #fiteme

Op is busy trolling while fucking bitches in his hotel room
OP is jacking off while watching his mother get buttfucked.
Jack Goff said:
i srs think you guys dun goofed coming to forumkorner lol

Right telling me im lq when they cant even spell CORNER.

nodnarb said:
Right telling me im lq when they cant even spell CORNER.



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