Forum Wide Contest

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Power member.
Hello RuneGear,

Today I present to you another FORUM WIDE contest for our members.

The contest will be Who can make the best Rune Gear timeline .

RuneGear has been through a lot of promotions, happy endings and sad endings but RG has pushed through it all and with the launch of v2 this is a major turning point.

People will either make a photo, or hand written or whatever they feel like doing to make a timeline from the beginning to the end (the v2).

Contest Rules:

1. You must not cheat by copying others design
2. Make your design awesome with colors and whatnot
3. Your timeline will be considered by three Judges.
4. Be creative!


There will be 3 runners up out of all of them, and the Judges will pick First place (50m) Second place (12m) and third place (7m).

The second and third place prizes are contributed by our very own @"BF3Dreadnaut" (he also had the idea for the contest) make sure you all say thank you to him.

Judges Include;

@"Glen" @"RAF" @"Oxide"
Bump requested by, Oxide.

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Well damn, why are all my RG eNews threads gone? I would have won I believe, lol.

You should use Include instead of Conclude. Completely different words.
Should also be using proper grammar as well, but meh.

You have a grammatical error. "Conclude" isn't used in the proper context.

If you were concluding something it means you are ending, "This concludes my speech, thank you". You further went on to list. When in real sentence structure you should have used, "Judges Include Myself, @"Glen", and @"Oxide".

Besides, you look stupid if you can't use the correct word in a sentence. It's like knowing the difference between "their" "there" and "they're".
is this contest even still going on? there was no end date.
Jam said:
is this contest even still going on? there was no end date.

Im wondering this too. Sense there are no other entries do I auto-win? aha
Idk, making a timeline just seems like school work to me. Lol.
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