ForumKorner back online hopefully for good!


Power member.
For the entire time the site has been down I have been working my ass off attempting to get the site back up and running how it should. At this time it seems I keep running into error after error. While I am still trying to work on fixing everything, it seems the more I am needing to do. During the downtime I have been also going through alot in my personal life. While I have never really asked for a hand out at any point I believe at this time I am going to consider running a gofundme campaign since I have not been receiving the support needed to keep the forum efficient enough and the fact that we have been getting attacked. I feel that our only option at this time is to go ahead and try another server as this one although the best statistically wise that FK has ever had, simply is not performing at the level I would like.

I know everyone basically wants no downtime and thinks everything is just too simple but this is not the case. I am sorry that the forum has been down so long and I have been doing my best. With limited resources it is a bit hard however. Please post any questions or suggestions in this thread.

My only Skype is ZahasiLLC (Do not add the one with the period at the end!!)
My temporary PayPal is:
I'm proud of you papa phillus, you've gotten us through worse.
Holy crap, you have done it mate! GG
I like the idea of the gofundme page man smart thinking glad to see the site is back up cannot wait for everyone too come back!
Matigo said:
Good luck, I would help if I knew I could make something out of it.

Funds always help as we seem to need some right about now. Obv you don't have too but.
IRC said:
Funds always help as we seem to need some right about now. Obv you don't have too but.
I just know owners of way bigger forums who have barely anything in real life that barely need donations.
But it is different for everyone I guess.
Matigo said:
I just know owners of way bigger forums who have barely anything in real life that barely need donations.
But it is different for everyone I guess.

Yeah I understand where you are coming from.
Matigo said:
I just know owners of way bigger forums who have barely anything in real life that barely need donations.
But it is different for everyone I guess.
That sounds like me, the issue here mainly is the attacks have made me unable to get the support needed. Which is why I was thinking of a go fund me. Now that the site is up, things can only potentially get better and easier. The hard part hopefully is over and passed. We can only all hope for the best, I promise I am doing my best, while trying to stay as positive as possible. Trust me this isn't easy for me or even my family for that matter, this downtime does not just effect me and you, it effects quite alot in general.

Keep your head up, its a family here, theres tons of people that can help.
Just got to be patient.
@Philly man trust me I am getting some money soon I will donate for sure because aye what's a few dollars you know.
Hey, I'm not sure if you've looked into it before but I suggest you take a look at Config Server Firewall (CSF). It helps to mitigate DDOS attacks with some effort. You can always try reducing database resources as well, cleaning junk and unneeded shit. It helps to clean the database and reduce the size when you mirgate between servers as I understand that it takes a good amount of time to import databases.
I would have already suggested this, but I thought this would already be in place with this size of the forum.
Hope you get it sorted, sad to see the forum down most of the time now due to DDoS attacks and server issues.
I'm sure you are trying your best.
Evidence said:
Whoever was ddosing the site is a nerd, wannabe LS. LEL

Wanna be Lizard Squad LOLOLOL. I'm dead.
We have basically always used that firewall, it does work okay same with a few other things in place, I feel right now we should be fine even with the bigger than average attacks.
I've been waiting for this day for so long. Fuck yeah
bets said:
I've been waiting for this day for so long. Fuck yeah

Glad too see that you are happy that the site is back up. As everyone else should be. This site is going to be back too normal I feel and we shouldn't have anymore attacks.
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