ForumKorner Giveaway.

@Ghost Yeah there isn't much to it! Welcome, and post away:b
How is everyone on FK doing today?
Always follow my muffin, it's important that you do.
Amp said:
How is everyone on FK doing today?

Pretty good man, can't believe this is the first thing i went to when i woke up.. #TheForumLife
Everyone follow my muffin on Instagram.
Admire said:
I have the dopest @ in the world.(Eh not really)

The dopest @ in the world would be Amp.
One day...
@Admire, I'll give you a shoebox and a music speaker for it.
Admire said:
Hehe okey i may have to think about it

Alright we're doing this over Kik and we'll use my friend @Poop as a MM.
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