ForumKorner Giveaway.

Admire said:
Ah nice man, good taste haha im just tryin to stay awake :b

Haha what time is it where you live? It's 5am here I'm just gonna crash soon..
Random said:
Nice. I'mma catch some sleep. I'll see you later mate ;D

Alright goodnight bud lol. I'm almost positive ill see you here tomorrow lmao ttyl !
I might have too go for this!!
Forum said:
But I'm ready to party it up!!!!!

you weren't invited to our sand castle party.

Basic said:
I don't appreciate being called a curtain sir, only sand buddies are allowed in the sand castle and to be a sand buddy you have to be in the sand castle.

The Sand Castle Paradox:

to get in, you must be a sandbuddy
to be a sandbuddy you must be in.
Basic said:
According to me and @random you're not in, you can't just say you're in, that's not how it works.

[is that not how it works? shit.. I guess I'm not in either then.. that's how I got in.]
Basic said:
There's only one prerequisite in becoming a sand buddy, and that's to be a sand buddy.

From one sand buddy to the others I AM IN!!!!!!!! And now make myself the leader of the sand castle
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