ForumKorner Giveaway.

@critical I doubt I'll win actually :/

but, I can still hope haha
Random said:
I'll likely only get 3rd haha. that'd suck.
Who's your competition? I've barely looked at this thread at all lol.
Glitch said:
Who's your competition? I've barely looked at this thread at all lol.

the top 10 people are put into a drawing.

so I have a 1/10 chance of winning
Random said:
the top 10 people are put into a drawing.

so I have a 1/10 chance of winning
I know haha. I was asking who else would probably be in the drawing.
Glitch said:
I don't want to sound stupid but how did you get to that page?

go to where you see this:

click this:

and there you are!
Random said:
slow as ever. just waiting for this to pick up again.

Yeah it seems like it. I checked like 3 times & it was still at 9.1k
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