ForumKorner Giveaway.

Lol even though I know for a fucking fact this won't hit 10000 posts, I'll still post anyway.
I can probably get to 8,000 posts, if i keep being active on this thread.
I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm ready to fucking party.
Let's play the number game.
I'm thinking a number between 50 - 100.
Who ever wins, get's 1k koins.
Damn, Im too late. Well goodluck to everyone and to those who are going to win this giveaway.

Dunk said:
Let's play the number game.
I'm thinking a number between 50 - 100.
Who ever wins, get's 1k koins.
69, No doubt about it. Sure win over here.
Chill said:
I'm thinking of the same number as you, gimme den Koins d00d.

Staph cheating, Chill!
I'm doing a giveaway inside a giveaway, giveawayception.
Executioner won!!! i love 69's.
187 said:
That is a very good definition young blood.

I have decided to not even try an win this as it requires too much work
If I had my laptop I would win this shit. But fuck it. I'm going for 28th place bitches.