ForumKorner Posting Contest!

Rare said:
Package caught the permanent and probably doesn't care about returning. @producer
Color isn't like that.
Yea I didn't really like package but i did like he wasnt a pussy about shit
See people still piss you off yet your group is about pissing people off. @producer
Producer said:
No, it is a fact that anyone who isn't a pussy has a big dick no matter what situation it is
Sorry to hear about that, bitch boy.

That'll be $5, @rare .
Joke wasn't good enough, sorry dude. @color
Rare said:
See people still piss you off yet your group is about pissing people off. @producer
no we're not about just pissing off everyone for no reason, We have a reason. we just want people to learn and stop being fucking skids or better yet have them commit so the forum and the world isnt as cancerous
Your posts on a forum won't effect the world. @producer
Rare said:
Your posts on a forum won't effect the world. @producer
But the people on the forum will thats why my homie @houdini is banned
Or because he was doing stupid shit and could be more mature. @producer
Why tf are you even reading this nonsense
Rare said:
Or because he was doing stupid shit and could be more mature. @producer

Oh you're gonna whiteknight for that cum guzzling whale?
Not even sure what you're saying lol. @producer
I don't even know the story between all that. @producer
Rare said:
I don't even know the story between all that. @producer
Look at the thread in the spamming and trolling section
@producer damn she got leaked?
Producer said:
woah you fat boy and apparently @Panda doesn't know what a donut is
I swear a donut is what people do in cars :/
Rare said:
@producer damn Tiayana got leaked?
She lies about everything lol sends fake nudes and her age she lies about and lies about edating
Let's not start shit but that's crazy, so what's on that tumblr page, real or fake? @producer
Rare said:
Let's not start shit but that's crazy, so what's on that tumblr page, real or fake? @producer
Lol alright, we changed the name for other reasons
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