ForumKorner Posting Contest!

Yo @julian later today when I'm home we're gonna get this rolling.
Yeah remember that month warning you gave me? @chill
Ah so I'm special. My parents tell me the same not sure what it means. @chill
Rare said:
Ah so I'm special. My parents tell me the same not sure what it means. @chill
Haha, lucky you.

Mate I just think you need to relax on the seriousness of everything, calm down.
What makes you think I'm mad lol? @chill
Rare said:
What makes you think I'm mad lol? @chill
I never said that, just the way you act sometimes. Maybe mature up a little bit. I know you can be a role model, so act like it. Not a child!
It's a forum there is no role model... @chill
Elaborate my mans, I don't see any role model. @chill
By the way my flight is about to take off so not sure if I'll be able to stay on much longer.
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